I have been to 39 States

I have a vivid memory of sitting in one of my 9th grade classes and doing a goal building exercise. As I sat blankly at my paper, my thoughts drifted. The first tangible idea that came to mind was related to travel. I figured going to all 50 of the States would be a really fun goal. The next step of the assignment was to establish a time frame for your goal. I decided, let’s try to do all of them by the age of 50 & so the challenge began! Based on the 1 a year theory, I am currently behind. I’m 42 & only 39 states visited. Here is a look at my map. The red states are the ones I’m missing.

I have 11 states I need to see in the next 8 years:

  1. North Dakota

  2. South Carolina

  3. North Carolina

  4. Virginia

  5. Rhode Island

  6. Massachusetts

  7. Vermont

  8. New Hampshire

  9. Maine

  10. Alaska

  11. Hawaii

If you want to get nerdy, I have included a lot of useless stats below. You will see the exact order in which I visited each State, what year it was when I first visited it & my age at the time.


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Happy New Year from… San Juan, Puerto Rico!